Sunday 1 December 2013

Our Work Is Our Play... Week of Nov. 18th - Featuring Mrs. Seguin's & Mrs. Gignac's Room

Remember the saying... A picture is worth a thousand words! Enjoy a visual diary of the work and play in Mrs. Seguin's and Mrs. Gignac's Kindergarten Classroom by clicking on the link below or on the picture to the left.
As you are looking through the pictures, notice the captions that appear with some of the pictures as well.

Album - Mrs. Seguin & Mrs. Gignac Week of Nov. 18th

Sunday 17 November 2013

Our Play Is Our Work... Featuring Mr. DeLuca's Class - Week of Nov. 11th

There's always lots to share and tell about here in our kindergarten classrooms and as the old saying goes... "A picture is worth a thousand words". This week we have pictures to share. Our way of documenting the learning!
As we met during parent interviews, many of you told us how much you enjoyed seeing pictures on our blog of our students working and playing!
Over the next few weeks we'll feature one kindergarten classroom each week with captions and pictures that tell about our work and play that week.
This week we'll begin by featuring a collection of pictures from Mr. DeLuca's classroom. One of the highlights is our work starting an 'Under The Sea' inquiry. As you look through the pictures, take time to read the captions that are included along the bottom or on the right hand side of the page.

Click on this link to view our first album!

Along the right hand side of this page we've also included a list of links (under KinderPics) where you'll be able to find the links to our photo albums!

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Exploring Measurement

Today students were invited to estimate the circumference of our class pumpkin. Using a non-standard measuring tool (yarn), students estimated the length they would need to measure the circumference and then measured and compared their results with the other classmates. They found that some pieces were “too long”, some were “too short” and Milana found that her estimate was “just right!”

Thursday 31 October 2013

We had a wonderful day at the Pumpkin Patch! We hope you enjoy our digital storybook that captures the day!

Monday 14 October 2013

In Math we are learning about sorting. We placed coloured paint samples on the table and invited students to sort them. The students recognized that we can sort them by colour. Eager to demonstrate their learning, students then went on to sort the fall items we collected from our Nature Walk! This led to a discussion of how there are several shades of each colour and how we can sort, compare and describe objects by the attributes used!

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Be A Cool Kindergarten Cat!

Our Kindergarten classes sing "BE A COOL CAT" song on a daily basis.  It helps the children remember all the important rules of school. Please take the time to have your child sing the following song at home:


Be a COOL cat,

Be a COOL cat,

Be a COOL Kindergarten cat.

Be a COOL cat,

Be a COOL cat,

And follow all of these rules.



GIVE 100%





On October 25th our classes will be having a COOL CAT day, where the children can dress like COOL CATS.  Use cool sunglasses, hats, whiskers, etc.  Plan the attire with your child and use your imagination.  HAVE FUN!

Friday 4 October 2013

We Found Fall!

Over the past week, our curiosity led us outdoors to look for and explore seasonal changes. On our hike around the school, we discovered many objects and changes to remind us that fall is really here! We looked at the soybeans ready to be harvested, watched a hawk fly around and listened to all the sounds of Fall.

Changing colours...



We named two trees in our schoolyard... and noticed that their roots are exposed. 
We'll fix that!

Our treasures...

Lots of seeds too!

Monday 30 September 2013

Window To The World

We're so glad that you found us!
Welcome to our home on the web! Also known as our "Window To The World".
Look for weekly posts here that share and showcase our work and play!

Mrs. Seguin
Mrs. Gignac
Mrs. Ignjatovic
Ms. DiPierdomenico
Mr. DeLuca