Thursday 27 February 2014

Pic Collages - Our Play Is Our Work!

Anti-Bullying Pink Shirt Day

Mrs. Seguin and Mrs. Gignac's class had fun creating a FRIENDSHIP WEB on Anti-Bullying Day.  After discussing ways to STOMP OUT BULLYING the children took turns rolling the ball of yarn and sharing a special message about one of  their friends.  Many of them mentioned that they really liked the way their friends share, say kind words, and make playing fun.  Some even shared how their friends are amazing dancers, writers, drawers, builders and readers.  

Thursday 6 February 2014

Reading & Retelling In Mrs. Seguin & Mrs. Gignac's Class

Mrs. L. Seguin and Mrs. S. Gignac's Kindergarten friends continue to respond to a variety of materials read aloud.  They share their interests, predictions and even make connections to other texts, self and world.  Recently the children have enjoyed retelling stories in proper sequence by using pictures in the book, props and other materials from our story-telling kits.  Some of their favourite retells are "The Mitten" and "The Hat" by Jan Brett, "The Old Lady That Swallowed A Fly" and "The Jacket I Wear In The Snow."  Along with our winter stories, the children are also having fun exploring at the sensory table,  searching for white mittens camouflaged under items like flour, salt, and marshmallows, and then graphing them accordingly on our giant mat.  During their exploration the children also experimented with the various objects and created many 3-dimensional structures, like snow castles.