Thursday 3 April 2014

Learning Highlights For The Week Of March 24th

We're experimenting with a new app called Pic Collage!
Each week we'll use this nifty little app to pull together some highlights from our week to make our learning visible. There will be some pictures that focus on our learning as a whole group and other pictures that capture those little 'Ah ha' moments where someone discovers something new and exciting!

Thursday 27 February 2014

Pic Collages - Our Play Is Our Work!

Anti-Bullying Pink Shirt Day

Mrs. Seguin and Mrs. Gignac's class had fun creating a FRIENDSHIP WEB on Anti-Bullying Day.  After discussing ways to STOMP OUT BULLYING the children took turns rolling the ball of yarn and sharing a special message about one of  their friends.  Many of them mentioned that they really liked the way their friends share, say kind words, and make playing fun.  Some even shared how their friends are amazing dancers, writers, drawers, builders and readers.  

Thursday 6 February 2014

Reading & Retelling In Mrs. Seguin & Mrs. Gignac's Class

Mrs. L. Seguin and Mrs. S. Gignac's Kindergarten friends continue to respond to a variety of materials read aloud.  They share their interests, predictions and even make connections to other texts, self and world.  Recently the children have enjoyed retelling stories in proper sequence by using pictures in the book, props and other materials from our story-telling kits.  Some of their favourite retells are "The Mitten" and "The Hat" by Jan Brett, "The Old Lady That Swallowed A Fly" and "The Jacket I Wear In The Snow."  Along with our winter stories, the children are also having fun exploring at the sensory table,  searching for white mittens camouflaged under items like flour, salt, and marshmallows, and then graphing them accordingly on our giant mat.  During their exploration the children also experimented with the various objects and created many 3-dimensional structures, like snow castles.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Exploring Geometric Shapes in JSK3 - Mr. DeLuca's Class

One of the areas that we have been exploring in math is geometric shapes. Students are learning that our world is filled with shapes in the natural and human built environment. Enjoy a peek into our learning about 2D Shapes!
Students explored the relationship of 3D & 2D shapes.
The sides of  3D shapes are made up of  2D shapes.

"Guess which shape we made?"
"It has four straight sides."

Geoboards are fun to explore shapes with as well!

"A house!"

Making pictures from pattern blocks.
We learned that when we put shapes together we can build new shapes.


More flowers...

We worked on a "Shape City".

Students guessed the shape that was made on each others back.
"I counted the points..."

Can you guess how many hexagons we made with pattern blocks?
"I used 6 triangles to make it!"

Congruent hexagons!

Exploring Geometric Shapes

Mrs. Ignjatovic's class has been busy learning about 2D shapes this week.
Our learning took us on an investigation throughout the school and within our classroom looking for shapes! Here is a quick snapshot of some of the shapes we found!

Home Connection: Challenge your child to find shapes in your home. Have them name and count the shapes they find! :)

Sunday 5 January 2014

Exploring Space...

Blast Off!
The students in Mrs. Ignjatovic's class have been to the moon and back over the the past few weeks! From books, videos, activities, songs, and dances our learning has been out of this world! :) Here is a snapshot of our learning! Enjoy! Don't forget to click the link at the bottom to learn our favourite Solar System song!
-Mrs. Ignjatovic